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被浏览: 0次 2023年04月26日 06:35

A. 你能告诉我你的担心吗?
A. Can you fill me in about your concerns?
B. 好的,我最近和父母吵架了,我们总是因为一些小事意见不合。例如前几天,我在网上买了一些东西,但是他们认为没有必要,不是生活所需。对我而言,我确实要用到的。我们吵了好几天了,一直冷战。
B. Okay, I quarreled with my parents recently, and we are always not on the same page over trivias. For an instance, I bought something online days ago, but they didn't think they were necessities of life, but for me, I did need them. The arguments between us have been lasting several days, and no one had broken the ice yet.
A. 不要把和父母的关系弄僵,他们是爱你的。虽然现在你们有很多的问题,但是只要你们静下心来好好谈一谈,让父母知道你的想法,互相理解,很多问题就迎刃而解了。
A. Don't be that way with your parents, actually they love you so much.
In spite of the existing problems, so long as you can really relax and make your points clear to them, I believe all of them can be smoothed over.
B. 但是我还是觉得我和父母之间的代沟很严重。
B. But I suppose the generaition gap between us is really serious.
A. 虽然现在说是三岁一个代沟,但是埋宏让只要你认真去交流,还是可以缓解紧张的关系的。
A. I also heard the saying like "Every three-year makes a generation gap", yet I hold the view that an earnest communication can help make it less of a cat and dog life.
B. 我也曾经尝试过和父母交流我的一些看法,但是他们总是以他们的观念思考问题,还告诉我The bridge than your path, eat more salt than you had dinner。
B. I also tried to exchange notes with them, but they stuck to their old ground and always thought that way, meanwhile repeated that words like "The distance I cover the bridges is longer than that of your roads, and we eat more salt than the rice you'弯局ve taken".
A. 那是你不懂他们爱你的方式,他们绝雀是想用经验告诉你一些道理,让你少走弯路。作为孩子,和父母沟通的时候要控制自己的情绪,要换位思考,或许你也可以尝试一下他们的方法,说不定是个不错的解决方法。
A. I suppose you get them wrong, that's the very way they love you, they'are always trying to avoid you getting lost by sharing you some reasons they know. As a child, I suggest you control your mood during mutual communication, how about placing yourself into their shoes and trying their approaches, perhaps you can get a pleasant solution out of it.
B. Are you sure ?这样真的可以么?
B. Are you sure it will work?
A. 是的,我之前也碰到过你的烦恼,我和父母之间的关系就是通过沟通解决的。
A. Yes, I ever encoutered the same problem as you had now, and I made it fixed in such way fortunately.
B. 好吧,那我现在就给他们打电话。
B. All right, I'm going to make a call to them right now.
A. 好的。
A. Fine.


A.Can you tell me what you worry about?
B. Yes, I recently had a fight with my parents, we always because some small disagreement. For example, a few days ago I bought some things on the Internet, but they think it is not necessary, is not required for life. For me, I really want to use. We quarreled several days, the cold war.
A. Don't put the relationship deadlock and parents, they love you. Although now do you have a lot of problems, but as long as you calm down and talk, let parents know your ideas, understand each other, many problems are solved.
B. But I still think the generation gap between my parents and me is very serious.
A. although it is three years old, A generation gap, but as long as you seriously to communicate, can ease the tension.
B. I ever tried to communicate with their parents also some of my opinions, but they are always with their concept of thinking, also told me The bridge than your path, eat more salt than you had dinner.
A. it is your love the way you don't understand them, they want to tell you some truth, with experience let you little detours. As children, and parents communication must control their emotions, when should the perspective-taking, maybe you can also try their method, perhaps is a good solution.
B. Are you sure? This really can?
A. yes, I also met you before, I and the relationship between my parents is through the communication to solve.
B. well, that I will call them right now.
A. ok.


A. can you tell me what you worry about?
B. OK, I recently and parents, we always because of some minor disagreements. For example, a few days ago, I bought some things on the Internet, but they did not think it necessary, need not live. For me, I really need to. We had several days, has been to the cold war.
A. don't put and Longjiang relationship of parents, they love you. Although you have a lot of problems now, but as long as you calm down and talk, let parents know what you think, understand each other, many problems will be smoothly done or easily solved.
B. but I still feel a generation gap between my parents and I are very serious. Although A. is now said to be three years old a generation gap, but as long as you try to communicate, and can ease the tension of relationship.
B. I also tried some views and my parents, but they always thinking the question, also told me The bridge than your path, eat more salt than you had dinner.
A. is that you don't understand the way they love you, they want to use experience tell you some truth, let you avoid detours. As a child, and when my parents to control their emotions, to transposition thinking, maybe you can also try their method, perhaps is a good solution.
B. Are you sure? It can really?
A. yes, I've met your troubles, the relationship between my parents and me is resolved through communication.
B. well, I call them right now.
A. good.


A. can you tell me what you worry about?
B. OK, I recently and parents, we always because of some minor disagreements. For example, a few days ago, I bought some things on the Internet, but they did not think it necessary, need not live. For me, I really need to. We had several days, has been to the cold war.
A. don't put and Longjiang relationship of parents, they love you. Although you have a lot of problems now, but as long as you calm down and talk, let parents know what you think, understand each other, many problems will be smoothly done or easily solved.
B. but I still feel a generation gap between my parents and I are very serious.
Although A. is now said to be three years old a generation gap, but as long as you try to communicate, and can ease the tension of relationship.
B. I also tried some views and my parents, but they always thinking the question, also told me The bridge than your path, eat more salt than you had dinner.
A. is that you don't understand the way they love you, they want to use experience tell you some truth, let you avoid detours. As a child, and when my parents to control their emotions, to transposition thinking, maybe you can also try their method, perhaps is a good solution.
B. Are you sure? It can really?
A. yes, I've met your troubles, the relationship between my parents and me is resolved through communication.
B. well, I call them right now.
A. good.