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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月20日 07:16


幼儿早期有能力接受英语学习,早期进行英语教学是可行的。理由是:1.教育学家、心理学家认为,语言发展的关键期是幼儿期。此时期,如果对幼儿进行良好的语言教育,给 予丰富适量的信息刺激,其语言才能得禅哪则到比较充分的发展;相反,如果错过语言萌发增长的关键期,再多量的 刺激也难以达到充分发展的水平。汉语贺棚学习这样,英语学习也遵循这样的规律。根据有关言语神经生理机制的 研究,有人认为4~10岁是开始学习外语的最佳年龄。科学研究已经证实,在年龄幼小时,左脑损伤引起的失语 症,可靠右脑机能来补偿;年龄大些后,左脑损伤引起的失语症就无法补救。这说明儿童时期大脑机能有较大的可塑性。因此,幼儿早期是有能力接受英语学习的,进行英语教学是可行的。这一点也被我们的实验教学所 证实。那种认为过早学外语会增加学习负担,影响大脑发育的观点,被我们的实验教学所否定。所以,缓轿把英语 教学作为幼儿学习语言的一条途径,是可以尝试的。2.4岁幼儿神经系统的发育已日渐成熟,这为其接受正常的知识和能力教育提供了坚实的生理基础。英语, 作为知识教育的一种,同语言、常识、计算等课程并行,在幼儿早期进行教学是能够做到的。既不会影响母语 的学习,也不会干扰对母语的掌握,相反,依靠母语学英语,并把英语学习同母语学习结合起来,并使二者相 互促进,是一次大胆的尝试,这为幼儿园的课程改革和建设提供了理论和实践的依据。


Early childhood have the ability to sit for an English study, the early teaching of English are feasible. Reasons are: 1. Educators, psychologists believe that language development in early childhood are critical periods. This period, if the language of good early childhood education, given the rich amount of information to stimulate, its language can be relatively full development; the other hand, if the language germination missed the critical period of growth, the amount of stimulation is also more difficult to achieve the full development of the level of . This study Chinese, English study also follow this rule. According to the neurophysiological mechanisms of speech research, it was suggested that 4 to 10-year-old to start learning a foreign language are the best age. Scientific research has confirmed that young age, when the left brain injury caused by aphasia, right brain function to compensate for reliable; age greater after aphasia caused by brain injury will not be able to remedy. This shows that children have a greater period of brain plasticity. Therefore, early child care have the capacity to accept the learning of English for English language teaching is feasible. It is also to be U.S. confirmed by experimental teaching. Too early to consider the kind of foreign language study will increase the burden, and affect brain development point of view, the U.S. rejected the teaching experiment. Therefore, teaching of English as a child a way of learning a language is worth trying. 2.4-year-old child nervous system has become more sophisticated, which accepted its normal education knowledge and ability to provide a solid physical foundation. English, as a kind of education, the same language, common sense, parallel computing, such as courses in early childhood teaching are able to do. Does not affect the study of mother-tongue, mother tongue and does not interfere with the master, on the contrary, to rely on the mother tongue to learn English and study English with the native language to combine study and the two promote each other, is a bold attempt, for kindergarten curriculum reform and construction has provided the basis for the theory and practice.


Early childhood have the ability to sit for an English study, the early teaching of English are feasible. Reasons are: 1. Educators, psychologists believe that language development in early childhood are critical periods. This period, if the language of good early childhood education, given the rich amount of information to stimulate, its language can be relatively full development; the other hand, if the language germination missed the critical period of growth, the amount of stimulation is also more difficult to achieve the full development of the level of . This study Chinese, English study also follow this rule. According to the neurophysiological mechanisms of speech research, it was suggested that 4 to 10-year-old to start learning a foreign language are the best age. Scientific research has confirmed that young age, when the left brain injury caused by aphasia, right brain function to compensate for reliable; age greater after aphasia caused by brain injury will not be able to remedy. This shows that children have a greater period of brain plasticity. Therefore, early child care have the capacity to accept the learning of English for English language teaching is feasible. It is also to be U.S. confirmed by experimental teaching. Too early to consider the kind of foreign language study will increase the burden, and affect brain development point of view, the U.S. rejected the teaching experiment. Therefore, teaching of English as a child a way of learning a language is worth trying. 2.4-year-old child nervous system has become more sophisticated, which accepted its normal education knowledge and ability to provide a solid physical foundation. English, as a kind of education, the same language, common sense, parallel computing, such as courses in early childhood teaching are able to do. Does not affect the study of mother-tongue, mother tongue and does not interfere with the master, on the contrary, to rely on the mother tongue to learn English and study English with the native language to combine study and the two promote each other, is a bold attempt, for kindergarten curriculum reform and construction has provided the basis for the theory and practice.