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被浏览: 0次 2023年08月03日 08:20

1,初步设计完成, 工程概算由我带卖委核定后, 由吉林省商水水利部审批, 报我委备案.
After the preliminary design has been completed, the project estimate will be checked and verified by our committee before sent to the the Ministry of Hydraulic Power for approval by Jilin Provincial Government and kept in records by us after the approval.

2,按照招蠢码逗投标法和相关规定委托代理机构办理招标事宜, 有关建设内容应全部进行公开招标(包括未发生的勘察,设计工作).
The agency will be authorized to conduct the bidding work in terms of the Bidding Law and relevant regulations on bidding authorization.All the construction-related projects(items)shall be awarded by means of competitive bidding(include the potential works such as survey and design)




1,初步设计完成, 工程概算由我委核定后, 由吉林省正段商水水利部审批, 报我委备案.
The preliminary design completes, the project budgetary estimateentrusts after me checks, examines and approves by Jilin Provincebusiness water Ministry of Water Conservation, reports me to entrustsets up a file

2,按照招衫昌投标法和相关规定委托代理机构办理招标事宜, 有关建设内容应全部进行公开招标或清扒(包括未发生的勘察,设计工作).
According to incurs bids the law and the correlation stipulationentrusts the agent organization to handle the tender mattersconcerned, the related construction content should completely carry onthe public tender (including reconnaissance which has not occurred,design work).


同进士出身 七级 ----not bad at all.


1,初步设计完成, 工程概算野槐由我委核定后, 由吉林省商水水颂和友利部审批, 报我委备棚腊案.
After the preliminary designs have been completed, the project estimates will be checked and ratified by our committee before sending to the Department of water resources of Shangshui County in Jilin Province for approval, and submitting copies to our committee for records.

2,按照招投标法和相关规定委托代理机构办理招标事宜, 有关建设内容应全部进行公开招标(包括未发生的勘察,设计工作).
A bidding agency will be assigned to conduct the tenders according to the laws on public biddings and other relevant regulations. All related construction projects will be subjected to open tendering (including works yet to be surveyed and designed).



1,初步设计完成, 工程概算由我委核定后, 由吉林省商水水利部审批, 报我委备案.

Our committee will check the budgetary estimate of the project after the preliminary designs have been completed, and the result will be submitted to the Ministry of Water Resources of Shangshui City in Jinlin Province for approval before being sent to our committee for record-keeping.

初步设计:preliminary design
工程既算:the budgetary estimate of the project




2,按照招投标法和相关规定委托代理机构办理招标事宜, 有关建设内容仔手应全部进行公开招标(包括未发生的勘察,设计工作).

A bidding agency will be entrusted to deal with the bidding connected affairs according to the Bidding and Bid Law . All construction related projects should be contained in the public bidding notice (include the related surveys and designs that are to be conducted ) .


招投标法: The Bidding and Bid Law (法律英语 这是最标准的表达,法学老师介绍过的), 或者也可以译成: The Tendering and Tender Law

相关规定 : relevant regulations

委托: entrust (法律英语常用词)

代理机构: agency

公开招标: public bidding

办理: deal with (这也是法律英语常用表达)

代理机构: 这里可以根据语境补译一下,译成(招标)代理机构: bidding agency

招念卖嫌标配老事宜: bidding connected affairs

公开招标:public bidding ( 这里,翻译时我结合语境将其处理为:“公开招标书”——public bidding notice ”,以配合原文上下文)