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大家帮忙翻译几个句子 谢谢

1剧院是供人们观看戏剧或表演的好地方2教室里有多少人?3你看起来像他的父亲4早晨人们很喜欢在公园锻炼身体 大家帮帮忙 谢谢了
被浏览: 0次 2023年04月18日 10:50

1. The theater is a good place for people to watch the play or performance.
2. How many students are there in the classroom?
3. You look like his father.
4. In the morning people like doing morning exercise in the park.



1 Theatre is for people to watch plays or shows a good place
2 How many people in the classroom?
3 You look like his father
4 people like morning workout in the park


1.The theatre is used for people watching drama or performance of good places.
2.How many people are there in the classroom?嫌拦
3.You look like his father.
4.People like the morning exercise in the park.


1.Theatre is a good place to watch drama and performance.2.How many students are there in the classroom?3.You looks like his father.4.In the morning,people like to do exercise in the park.