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大家帮忙翻译几个句子 谢谢大家了

被浏览: 0次 2023年04月18日 10:25

1. Where do you get energy generally?
2.You must change your diet. 'cause you need a lot of energy.
3.If you want to be more healthy, then you must eat less and get more ecercise.
4.Sandy go to libirary weekly.
5.I'll never eat fried food.
6.I plan to eat healthy food.


1.Where do we usually get the power?who want to john the fashion show?look,those students are celebrating the childrens'基春唤搏凯森判 day in the garden


1.We usually from where to obtain energy?
2.You must change your eating habit, because you need a lot of energy。
3.If you want to healthy, you have to eat less and exercise more.
4.Sandy went to the library once a week.
5.I don't eat Fried food.
6.I plan to eat healthy food.


1我们通常从哪里获取能量?Where do we usually get energy?
2你必须改变你的饮食习樱则惯,因为袜颂慧你需要很多能量You have to change your eating habit, because you need a lot of energies.
3如果你想健康一点,你就必须少吃多运动If you want to be healthier, you have to eat less and exercise more.
4桑迪每周去一次图告答书馆Sandy goes to library once a week.
5我不再吃油炸食物了I don't eat fried food any more.
6我计划吃健康的食物 I plan to eat healthy food.


1. Where do we usually get our energy from?
2. You must change your diet habitat, because you need a lot of energy.
3. If you want to be healthier, you must eat less and do more exercise.
4. Sandy goes to library once a week.
5. I won'薯虚t eat fried food anymore.
6. I am planning to eat healthy food.
希望手含能帮到你数薯燃! ^^


1.where is the energy we gain normally
2.you must change dietary habit beacuse you need more energy
3.You need to do more exercise and to eat less if you want to be physically fit
4.Sandy go to library once a week
5.I don't eat fried food any more
6.I have made a plan to eat healthy food