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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月20日 11:43

1.Although he has gone to America for three years , we still have kept in touch with each other.
【前半句需要用现在完成时叙述的是过去发生的事情对现在及以后一直的影响 have gone to somewhere 的意思是去了某地。。依然在某地没回来或在回来的过程中不定。。后半句是叙述现在持续的情况仍然联系】
2.Children spent the whole afternoon to prepare for the English party tomorrow .
【本句强调的是一般过去式 。。。强调叙述完成了的过去的事情。不定时to表示目的,为了...]
3.The thief finally admited stealing my purse .
4.The room is big enough to holdone hundred people.
5.she is always making her living on selling fruits and vegetables.
【be always doing sth 一直做某事本 也可以用现陆颂在完成进行时 have been doing sth 这两种形式都对的 翻译不一定只有一种是对的】

【以上激扮都是本人自己的翻译及解释可能与答案有偏差如果你知道正解请指出我的错误告诉我大家互相学习!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……】


  1.  Although he went to the US for three years, but I have kept in touch with him. 

  2. The children spent the entire afternoon to prepare for tomorrow'郑圆或s English party. 腔隐

  3. This thief finally admitted to stealing my wallet. 

  4. This room is large enough (big enough) to accommodate a hundred people. 喊伍

  5. She has been making a living by selling vegetables and fruits. 


尽管他拦脊去美国三年了,但我们一直保持联系(keep in touch with)(去了3年了用过去完成时,我们一直保持联系用过去式, 可漏镇以理解为从过去开始一直保持联系返衡粗)
Although he has been to the U.S. for 3 years, we kept in touch with each other.
The children spent the entire afternoon preparing for tomorrow's English evening party.
这个小偷最终承认偷了我的钱包(admit doing something) (“承认了”的了表示要用过去时)
This thief finally admitted stealing my wallet.
这个房间足够容纳了一百个人(big enough) (房间大小不会变 所以用一般时)
This room is big enough to fit 100 people.
她一直靠卖蔬菜和水果谋生(make one's living) (一直是这样过日子的,所以用一般时)
She keeps making her living by selling vegetables and fruits.



Although he has gone to America, we keep in touch with each other all the time.
The children spent the whole afternoon to prepare for the English Party of tomorrow.
This thief admitted stealing my wallet in the end.
This room is big enough to hold one hundred people.
She has been making her living by selling vegetables and fruits.


I still keep in touch with him even he went to Ameriaca for 3 years.
The kids has spent the entire afternoon for preparation of tomorrow's English party.
This thief finally admitted to stealing my wallet.
This room is big enough for hundered people to stay.
She has been making a living by selling vegetables and fruits.