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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月03日 01:32

As Chinese,I think every English learner must put English and Chinese
in correct place.We must know that: English is our tool whiel Chinese
is our soul!
The best way to English learning is to put the learners in a English
environment for a period .But that's not an easy thing to do .We must
study English with the help of teachers today or study by yourself ,if you
have the abilities.
In my opinion ,there are some things you must do in English learning:
Reading.Before you start your English learning .It's hard to imagine
what is English like.Because we had never contacted such things like ants
on the paper .To get insights into English we must read it as possible.
Through reading what called "English sense"will form in our minds .It's
very important,sometimes you will "get something without teacher"with it.
Reading also us many important information about the differences between
English and Chinese.The staff you choose to read decides your way of thin-
king in English.
Rememeber the words.You can't read when you don't know the meaningsof the
words .So it is important to remember the words.However ,the problem is always
that English words is so many ,how can we remember them?All of us don't have
genius memory,words must be remember one by one .It may take you a long time
a lot of efforts.After all ,the sweat is not sweet.There are some useful skills
in words remembering.Idon't wanna list them.But I think the most useful one is
that you come back to the words you have ever try to remember many times.Then
they will exist in you heart.
Don't hate grammar.The grammar is the rule of English .It's very important.Then
you may protest:people in English-speaking countries may not know what is "grammar"
That's right .But we are not people in those countries.We can only know more about
English through the grammar .When you master enough grammar ,you will find English
is so easy .But grammar is a vert tiring thing.A lot of people don't wanna touch it.
I can only say :It doesn't matter ,all roads lead to Rome.
Do some exercise .When we come across a language point,we's better do some exercises
about it ,then we can get it .That is because we will counter so many such points,we
can't remember all of them only by reading them several times.The exercises will
impress you deeply so you can remember it easily.
Listening and speaking.That's of course very important ,because our goal is them.
There are also something you must notice .Carl Marx said:Don't translate everything
in English into your native language .I agree with it compeletly.If you do that,English
will change its taste.Don't believe Chinese explaination too much ,or else Chinese will
be a barrier to English learning.