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被浏览: 0次 2023年04月27日 05:47


The old man reacted violently when he saw he was photographed. The reality is, everyone's eyes are a pair of lenses. Photographs can be deleted, but whether your actions are civilized will be judged before everyone's eyes. If you don't want it to be exposed, then simply don't carry them out.

~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的备橡中,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、


Realizing that he was photographed, the old man reacted intensively. In fact, photos can be deleted, but any uncivil conduct will be exposed, unless it doesn't exist, for the eyes of the public are lens and judge whether your behaviour is civilized or uncivilized.


The old man was photographed reacted strongly.In fact, everyone'悉瞎s eyes are lens, photos can be deleted, but the behavior is not civilized own judge, if not exposure, unless you don'睁数空毕友t do it.