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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月04日 04:45

Welcome to China,there are something that you may be care of"First of all, If you meet someone that you have never seen before ,you can shake hands with or nud or smile to him or her,which mean that you are interested in what he or she is saying. Then ,while talking,you may use your gentle sight to look at him or her,but not stare at.Also,when you receive others help,you should say thanks to her or him,which may leave a good impression on him or her.then ,when you want to say goodbye,you had better wave your hands in order to show your friendness.
here are some things that you should't do:when you are talking,do not always look at your watch or change the communication ,another important thing is that you shouldn't sigh ,if you do that ,people will feel unhappy.Also ,do not walk to close to him or her ,and always do remember that you should't speaking while something isin your mouth.
OK, I hope these may help you and have a good time!

