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what does work mean to you? 最好一百字左右。单词不要太难的!谢谢!!中专水平的!谢谢
被浏览: 0次 2023年04月27日 20:32

一)。What is your definition of work?

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What is Work?
Work is meaningful, work is essential, and through our work we use our talents, gifts and strengths to the best of our abilities to serve other people, and through that service, we see a return that sustains us.

What Does Work Do?
Work provides for our families, pays the bills and is a steady reminder that we are needed.

Work is a comfort for those who have it and a yearning for those who don't.

For some, work is a means to an end, but for others, work can be a joyous element of their lives that sets them apart.

Having work or a way to contribute makes us feel like we matter, have a purpose and adds to our human dignity.

This Is Why We Do What We Do
The principal reason why we founded this marketplace and invested in the name Voices.com is because we believe that work is of vital importance and we wanted to create a place where people could find work to support themselves and their families.

We love what we do and I hope that passion comes through in every encounter you have with our company.

This very column was started to celebrate work and achievements in the field, regardless of where you got your voice over work from, and is open to commentary about all jobs attained through Voices.com or by other means.
二芦衡)。I began working in and with the voluntar and community sector for。旦哗蔽。模州。,I was attracted by opportunities to make a difference to the lives of other people。I also had an opportunity to pioneer new ways of working which I found stimulating (刺激) 。I was really happy going to work each day, aware of the potential impact of what I was doing。
My work was about helping 。。。to discover life and how to make it meaningful to them. I was in a profession that I had devoted my life to.
Knowing that even the most ordinary task became meaningful. During my time wrking within the sector I have had an opportunity for personal and professional growth. I gained a great deal from some experiences…and lost a lost from others. I have dealt with threats to my work from both within and outside the organisations I worked for. I have been applauded and criticises, sometimes at the same time time and for the same thing. Working within the sector has been both joyful and painful, continually changing.
Working within and for the sector has provided me with an opportunity to contribute, to learn, to let go…and to discover a new way to make。。。