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一. 代词 (pron.)
第一人称单数 第二人称
单数和复数 第三人称单数(三乎告友单) 第一人称复数 第三人称复数
人称代词 我 你 / 你们 他 她 它 我们 他们
主格 I you he she it we they
宾格 me you him her it us them
物主代词 我的 你的/ 你们的 他的 她的 它的岁槐 我们的 他们的
形容词性 my your his her its our their

(一) 翻译成英语:
1.我是¬¬¬¬¬_______________ 2.我父母¬¬¬¬¬________________ 3. 跟我来_____________
4.你可以______________ 5.你的电话号码______________
6. 谢谢你_____________ 7. 他有________________ 8.他的姓氏_____________
9. 听他说_____________ 10. 她喜欢它。____________ 11.她全家照______________
12.帮助她____________ 13. 它吃________________ 14.它名字______________
15.看见它____________ 16.我们想要____________
17.我们最喜爱的水果_____________________ 18.加入我们_________
19. 他们唱歌___________ 20.他们旧电脑_______________21.画出它们__________

(二) 选词填空:
1. What’s ________ name? (you / your ) _________ name is Bob. ( My / I / me)
2. _________ erasers are in ________drawer. (her / she / Her / She)
3. Can ________(you / your ) do _______ (you / your ) homework?
4. ___________ is a cat. ________ name is Mimi. ( it / its / It / Its )
5. _________ brother can speak Japanese. (He’s / His / He )
6. Please take _________ keys to school. __________ are on the table.
( they / their / them / They / Their / Them )
7. __________ is thirteen years old. __________ birthday is March 1st. (He / His / Him)
8. __________ favorite vegetable is tomato. (her / she / Her / She)
9. Can you help ______ ?( we / us / our) Please take ______ to school. ( they / their /友则 them)
10. _________ can’t see _________baseball. It’s behind _________.( My / I / me / my )

1. A: What’s this / that ?
B: _________ is a dresser.
A: How do you spell _________ , please ?
B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R.
2. A: What are these / those ?
B: _________ are tomatoes.
3. A: Does Cindy like salad?
B: No, _________doesn’t.
4. A: How much are his shoes?
B: _________ are 100 dollars.
5. A: Is Alan your friend?
B: Yes, _________ is.
6. A: Do you have a soccer ball?
B: Yes, _________ do.
7. A: Who is that girl?
B: _________ is Jack’s sister.’
8. This is David and this is Tim. _________ are our friends. We often help _________ .
9. Those are strawberries. Sally likes _________.
10. The pants are nice. I’ll take _________.

二. 名词的格:
(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:
a) 单数后加 ’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt
b) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ’如: his friends’ bags
c) 不以s 结尾的复数后加 ’s children’s shoes
 并列名词中,如果把 ’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如:
Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车
 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s
Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车
(2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如:
a picture of the classroom a map of China

1. 汤姆的背包________________ 2. 我朋友的生日聚会__________________
3. 他们父母亲的房间____________ 4. 她两个兄弟各自的电脑________________
5. 戴维和保罗的两个家庭_________________________
6. 露西和莉莉家的书橱_________________________
7. 男士手表_______________ 8. 一张吉姆家的全家照___________________
9. 一幅中国地图_______________ 10.一本英语字典_________________________

1. 种类:(1)不定冠词:a / an a unit / an uncle
元音开头的可数名词前用an :
an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an alarm clock /
an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an hour
an old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson /
(2)定冠词:the the egg the plane
2. 用法:
(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk.
(2)复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new.
(3)谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school.
(4)在序数词前: John’s birthday is February the second.
(5)用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening

(1)专有名词前:China is a big country.
(2)名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等:
This is my baseball.
(3)复数名词表示一类人和事:Monkeys can’t swim. They are teachers.
(4)在节日,日期,月份,季节前:Today is Christmas Day. It’s Sunday.
(5)一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30.
(6)球类 棋类运动前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home.
* 但乐器前要用定冠词:I play the guitar very well.
(7)学科名称前:My favorite subject is music.
(8)在称呼或头衔的名词前:This is Mr Li.
(9)固定词组中:at noon at night by bus
1、Be 动词的一般现在时
Be动词要根据句中主语的人称和数而变化。它有三种形式:am, is , are
am跟在I后面, is 跟单数主语,are跟复数主语及单数You后面。如:
I am a teacher.
My brother is at school.
Lucy and Lily are in Class One, Grade Two.
You are a good boy.
2、 实义动词的一般现在时
一个动作经常反复地发生,就用一般现在时。第三人称单数(he, she , it, Tom等)作主语,谓语动词要加 ″s″ 或 ″es″,这种动词形式简称为单三动,记住:单三人称单三动,其它人称用原型。如:
They get up at six o’clock.
He goes to school at seven- thirty .
1)一般情况下加s get—gets like---likes
2)以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es: watch---watches go---goes do---does
3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i,加es carry---carries
特殊: have---has
情态动词(can, may, must )后动词用原形。如:
I can play the guitar. He can play the violin.
1、 let后用动词原形 Let’s play soccer.
2、 like及介词后动词用ing形式, 如:be good at swimming, help kids with singing,
like playing basketball, What about playing tennis?
3、 want加 to 再加原形
4、 help +人+动词原形 help+人+with sth /doing sth.

Ⅰ 句型结构
1、 肯定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+…
主语+ +其他…
Yes,+主语+ be No,+主语+be not.
Yes,主语+can No,主语+can’t
Yes,主语+do/does No,主语+don’t/doesn’t
〈1〉 疑问词+be+主语+…?
〈2〉 疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+…?
〈3〉 疑问句+do(does)+主语+动词原形+…?
主语+ +…
〈4〉疑问句:who/how/how old/how much/where/when/why/what/what/
what kind of…what time/what subject

take be like play swim run do go watch wish
think eat have want study help learn teach start

1、My name’s Bob.
2、I’m his uncle.
3、Our shirts are too long.
4、My friend gets up at five o’clock.
5、Lucy and Lily like sports.
6、Jerry’s teacher can play chess.
7、Alicia is my aunt.
8、She wants to see Beijing Opera.

1、(Is/Are)his eraser on the sofa? 2、(Where/What)are your baseball?
3、(Do/Does)Mary have a clock? 4、(Are/Do)they want to see a movie?
5、(Is/Can)she play the violin? 6、I (don’t/doesn’t)like hamburgers.
7、Why does Alice (likes/like)music?8、Who (am/is) your father?
9、(What/What’s) her favorite subject?10、How much (are/is) her socks?



1.there be 句型 “有”指 “某地有某物”形式 :there is, there are

例:There is some food in the fridge。冰箱里有一些食物。

There are many books on the desk. 桌上有许多书。

区分:there is 用于修饰单数名词和不可数名词 ,例如:a book , an egg, milk, ice-cream .......

there are 用来修饰可数名词复数

如果要表达某处没有某物 则要用there be 句型的否定形式,即在there be 后加not ,即 there be not

形式:there is not (there isn't) there are not (there aren't)

例: There isn't any milk in a glass。

There aren't any vegetables in the fridge.

若表示是否有,则要用 there be 句型的疑问句 即把be 提前 Be there 形式 Is there , Are there

例:Is there any milk in the glass?

Are there any vegetables in the fridge?

注意:这里涉及some any 的用法 some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。但是在表示请求的

疑问句中,是想要得到肯定答复的,要用some。例:Would you like some milk?

对于there be 疑问句的回答:肯定:Yes,there is\are. No,there isn't\aren't.

2.have\has got 有 指某人有某物

例:I have a dog.我有一只狗。

He has a sister and a brother.他有一个姐姐和一个弟弟。

区分 :have\ has: have用来修饰第一人称和第二人称和第三人称复数(I ,we ,they) has用来修饰第三

人称单数(she, he , it )

若表示某人没有某物,则要用否定形式,即在have\has got 后加not 即have not (haven't)got ,has not


例:I haven't got a sister but i have a brother.

She hasn't got bright eyes and long hairs.

某人是否有某物则要用have\蔽樱has got的疑问形式,Have\Has +sb.\sth. + got

Have they got a picnic at weekends?

Has the dog got a host family?

回答:肯定:Yes, i \茄并掘we \they have. Yes , she\ he \ it has.

否定:No , i \ we \ they haven't. No, she \he \it hasn't.

注意:there be 和 have got 的区别 两者虽都指"有",但侧重点不同。

例:《1》There are some food in the fridge.

<2>The fridge has got some food.


3.be(am is are)

用法:我用am 你用are is连着她他它,单数用is,复数用are

例:I am a stident. She is a beutiful girl. He is a child. It is a dog.

You are my teacher. They are my friends, The boys all are England.

be 的否定形式 直接加not 即 am not, are not , is not.

例:I am not an English. I am Chinese.

She isn't kind. They aren't my friends.

疑问形式把be提前 即 be+ 主语......?

例:Is he your father?

Are they going to have a party?

回答:肯定:Yes, I am. Yes,she \ he \it is. Yes , you \ we \ they are.

否定: No, I am not. No, she \ he \ it isn't. No , you \ we \ they aren't.

be的句式, 所用情况:

1》be + 形容词(adj.). 例:I am very happy.

2> be+ 名词(n.) 例:He is a boy.

3> be + 介词短语 例:She is in the school.

4> be+形容词短语 例: He is only 11 years old.

5> be+ 副词 例:Class is over.

4. 情态动词 can

can 可以 能够,表示某人能做某事 用法:can+v.原 不能做某事,则用can 的否定形式:

cannot (can't)+v.原


若表示某人是否能做某事 则要用can 的疑问形式,即can+sb.……?

例:I can speak Chinese. I can't speak English. Can you speak English?

He can swim but he can't play football.

Can she play the piano?

疑问句回答 :肯定:Yes, I \she \ you \ he \it \they \ we can.

否定:No, I \ she \ he \it \ you \ we \ they can't.

注意:can 表示“能力”时,指现在的能力,并不指过去或将来的能力。

5 . 情态动词would 想 主要用于 would you like to ...句型中,表示邀请。

例:Would you like to go to school with me ?

回答一般有两种形式:1 表示愿意:I' like \ love to. 2 拒绝:Sorry, 原因。

注意:would like to 本身并不表示邀请, 而是想要。例:I would like to some books.

另外,表示邀请还能说:Let's...... Shall we...... What \ How about.......

还要注意邀请时询问信息的表达方式:1)询问时间:When is... 2) 询问地点: Where is....

6 行为动词的一般现在时



He goes to school every day.

They eat dinner in the evening.


I know him very well. 我和他很熟。

He likes English very much. 他非常喜欢英语。

若表示否定意义,若主语是第一人称或第二人称或第三人称复数,只要在谓语动词后加not,即do not

(don't) ,若主语是第三人称单数,则要在谓语动词后加does not (doesn't)

例:I don't go to school every day.

She doesn't goes to the shop every day.

You don' t sing vell well.

若表示是否经常做某事 则要用疑问意义,将do \ does 提前即可

例:Do you write a composition every day? 你每天写一篇作文吗?

Does it smell good? 它闻起来很香吗?


常见的频度副词有:often ,always , usually , never ,seldom ,sometimes等


名词变复数(1)一般在词尾加-s 例词:bags, vegetables , books

(2)以s , x , ch , sh 结尾的加-es 例词: watches , boxes , buses , brushes

(3)以o 结尾的加-es 例词:两人两菜:heroes 英雄 negroes 黑人 tomatoes 西红柿

potatoes 土豆

(4)以o 结尾的加-s 例词:zoos , zeros

(5) 以 辅音字母+y 结把y 变 i 加-es 例词:baby——babies ,city——cities

(6)以 f 或 fe 结尾 ,把f 或 fe变成 -ves 例词:beaf——beaves , life——lives



呵呵 lz啊 你要的资料很多~\(≧▽≦亩伏)/~啦啦啦
希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈