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被浏览: 0次 2023年08月04日 08:24

Third, from teaching activities in teaching activities supevisors convert guiders, participants

"Teaching", in "said wen jie zi" explanation is that "the had done under the validity, the hidden" is a "teacher, students in the XiaBei relationship" on the next, means that teachers, students obey orders with execution.

The new curriculum, the teaching process is that teacher-student interaction process, teachers leader by knowledge to students' learning participants and directors;

Teachers' ideas should by "teaching" to "guide", let the traditional sense of teachers' teaching and students' learning lessons, keep teachers and students formed in a true "learning community".

In this "community", the teacher should guide students to know how to get to the knowledge, acquiring knowledge tools, and learn how to according to the needs of understanding to deal with all kinds of information method to make students "will study" "can learn";

Teachers should not only involved in their children's learning activities, but also as the promoter, students learn to students' development for all this, take effective ways and means, activate every student body's potential;

Lets students in the limited time, see, hyperactivity, think more, listen, speak;

以各种形式开展交流活动,诸答亩如小组活动、同伴活动、 角色扮演、游戏等课堂活动方式,让学生在课堂上大有可为,各显其能。
In various forms, such as the exchanges activities group activities and peer activities, role playing, games etc classroom activities way, let the students in class, GeXianJiNeng bright prospects.

Make students from "want me to learn" into "I want to learn," truly become the study master, but such students, teachers can become the friend, partner, become a guide to students' learning and participants.


III. Turning the directors of teaching activities into coaches or participants.

According to “Explaining Articles and Interpreting Words”, the meaning of “Teaching” was “Administering by the superior and followed by the subordinates”. This implies an unequal relationship where the teachers occupy a superior position and students are inferior. It means teachers are the ones who place orders and students are to obey and execute the commands given.
The New Curriculum, however, regards the teaching process as an interaction between teachers and students. A teacher becomes a participant and a coach during the learning process of the students. A teacher’s paradigm shifts from teaching to coaching. It gradually abandons the traditional concept of teaching by teacher and learning by students and let mutual teaching and learning take place so as to form an authentic learning community. In this community, the teacher guides the students to acquire knowledge that they need, to master tools for getting knowledge and to learn ways in processing information required. It enables the students “to learn” and “to be able to learn”. Teachers not only participate in the learning activities of the students but also actively encourage learning amongst students. With an aim to developing students’ potential and releasing their talents, various effective methods are adopted. Students are encouraged to read, think, listen, speak and interact as much as possible during the limited time that a lesson allows. Different formats of interactive learning activity, such as group work, buddy work, role play, group games will be deployed to allow students to show their own talents. The objective is to turn around the situation of “Making me learn” to “I want to learn”. Students will become the legitimate master of learning. Only then, can teachers be regarded as friend and companion by the students. They will become coaches and participate in their students’ learning.