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帮忙翻译 急急急急 英文高手请进 !!!!!!在线等

被浏览: 0次 2023年08月03日 07:50

Letter of Admission of Internship

This is to certify that we have, after investigation, agreed to accept XX studying News Broadcasting Major at ( ) University/College who was admitted by the school in 2007, to receive education and learning here from March 15 to June 1, 2011. During the period of internship, we shall practice strict management of and provide considerate instructions to the intern.

Official Seal:
February 26, 2010


A Letter of Practice Admission
This is to certify that we have, after a discussion,agreed to accept XXX,the student from your school who majors News Broacasting for his or her practice from March 15th to June 1st, 2011. During the period of practice, we shall have a strict management and offer considerate instructions to the the students..

Official Seals:
February 26th, 2010



Admittion of Intership

As per the agreement of our organisation, XX of News Broadcast (2007) will be accpected as intership from March 15 , 2011 to June 6, 2011.
He/She will be given our appropriate management and instructions .

We hereby confirm the admittion of intership.

Feb. 26, 2010


Practice letter of acceptance
The unit decided that I agree to receive your school news to run professional XX 2007 students in the March 15, 2011 to June 1, 2011 to my teaching practice units. During the internship students will be strict management and careful guidance. Reply letter is hereby
Receiving unit (seal)
February 26, 2010


ractice after receive the letter
After I decided to agree to receive your unit 2007 classes news hoso professional XX classmate in 2011 March 15th to 2011 June 1st to my unit for education practice. Students during my internship we will strictly management, guiding meticulously.
Hereby reply

Receive an unit (stamp)
On February 26, in 2010


Practice after receive the letter

After I decided to agree to receive your unit 2007 classes news hoso professional XX classmate in 2011 March 15th to 2011 June 1st to my unit for education practice. Students during my internship we will strictly management, guiding meticulously.

Hereby reply

Receive an unit (stamp)

On February 26, in 2010 .....你自己看吧~~~