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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月27日 01:29

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning: We show this in the form of debate competition.
The race debate, the motion is "love is the specialty?"
Competition is divided into: submission stage, attacking defense stage, stage of free debate and concluding remarks.
In this regard, we have two teams hold the opposite view.
They are the square of a debate XXX, the second debate XXX, three debates XXX.
Opposition debate XXX, the second debate XXX, three debates XXX.
Then, on the first square of a debate, please present their point of view. Here is a counter-party debate to state their views.
Square second debate questions the Opposition.
Opposition square second debate questions.
Square wind up doing three debates.
Anti-wind up side to do the three debates.
Thank you for your participation. Thank you.