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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月17日 12:44


I can't find any better adjectives to describe how beautiful my life is!

我没有惆怅 没有悲伤 没有哭泣

I have no sadness,no sorrow,no tears

更多的是喜悦 欢笑中颂游 和丝丝感动

but more happiness,more mirths,more movings

I don't know how to express how much I like you

when i am marvelling how fast our friendship passed

your warmth make me sad infinitely
I will much more sincere to you all

It's hard to let you understand what i feel now
But now,I,which is worth for you all to owning
my high school classmates


Find a better adjectives to describe my life is now what a great place

I didn't disappointed not sad not cry

More laughter and joy of mengsi moved

Cannot express how deeply like you

When I exclamation those friendship fades too fast

Your warm will let me flawless sad

I will be more sincerely face you

Maybe it was difficult and let you know at me

But I'm now more worth you own

My high school classmates


Words fail me to describe how beautiful my life is!
I have no sad, no sorrow, and no tears.
I have happiness, smile, and emotion
Words fail me to express my love of you
When I sigh for the flying friendship
Your warm touches me.
I will be more sincere to you
Maybe it'宏晌搭s hard to understand the old me
But now I am more worthy to have
My classmates


no word than beautiful describes better my life now
i have no sorrow,sadness or tears
i have only joys, laughters and emotions
how to say how much i love you
your warmth give me no time,no space
to sigh on the days
that has flew away
i will be more sencere when facing you
yesterday's me may be hard to understand
but today's me is more worth being together with
my classmates of senior middle school